Monday, January 12, 2009

Numbers Matter!

We are at the time when statistical reports are due. They are time consuming and often the temptation is to copy last years or to give a “ministerial estimate”. Resist the temptation! These numbers are a great tool for you and your congregation to track your progress in the MP3 vision. If you want more people you need to truly know how many you have. Take time to work on these numbers then share how you have done with your leaders. Sometimes it hurts to see it in black and white. Sometimes that pain can motivate us to action.

If this process is too overwhelming, call a friend or contact the District statistician. They will help you. These numbers can help us all set our sites on a new day when we set concrete goals for our worship and professions of faith, just like we set financial goals in our budgets. As a conference we are setting a goal to turn the membership loss around in the next four years. Numbers matter, but only if they are accurate. Accounting for people is part of our pastoral duty and faith community covenant. You are a number too…don’t you want to be counted? Ok, its not glamorous, but we do it anyway. If your statistics come out showing growth, let us know. If they don’t and you want help trying to make a next step, call us. We’ll find you some help.

We are getting stories of discipleship. They are great. If you have a story send it to us. The Spirit is at work! Get busy counting.

Live Loved,


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