Monday, January 5, 2009


The MP3 initiative is our way of saying we want more people, more young people, and more diverse people. Our goal is to make all kinds of disciples. Next week we will begin our movement. To see if we are growing we have to see where we are. We are sorting through our statistical reports and trying to get a handle on this. We will share the district wide numbers and some of the outstanding churches that are making disciples. We invite you to share your stories of MP3. It is time to stop talking and start doing. So to help we will also share some best practices. So where do we begin?

The starting place for evangelism…disciple making is really simple. To tell a story, you have to have a story. To lead people to Christ we must have a life-changing relationship with Jesus. How is your faith story? How is God working in and on you? Those questions are the starting place. True evangelism is centered in a vibrant and growing personal and community faith. People come to Christ because they see Christ changing real people who care about them. A living faith is driven by the spiritual presence of God in us. The Holy Spirit is the orchestrator of the most effective faith sharing. And relationship is the primary language of evangelism.

In short…faith takes people and time. It takes trust and authenticity. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit. We don’t have to save anyone or be good enough to “saint” folks into the Kingdom. The truth is we love them there…but we love because Christ first loved us. Are you ready for MP3? Do you want it? How bad? Ok…do something about it. Talk about it in your congregations, in your families, in your own life…yea, talk to yourself about it. It is time! Now! Here we go…MP3. We are counting…because numbers matter…they represent people…children of God. They are searching for something real…you can help them find it. Next week we’ll begin to share simple details to help and we invite you to share yours with us. This is why we are here! Someone shared it with us and we changed,

I cannot wait to see what happens next, I really sense a change coming…MP3 is already beginning…you’ll see!

Live loved,

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