Monday, December 8, 2008

Hopeful or Hopeless

An article I read this week included these words, “one way to appreciate the hope of Christmas is to envision a world devoid of Christmas, a world with no Christ, no hope – just hopelessness.” As I read this, my mind began to imagine what our world would be like without Christ, without church, and without Christmas. In those moments, I tasted hopelessness and despair.

As we move into the second week of Advent, our calendar focus will turn towards hope and the excited anticipation that the season of Advent brings to us. As Christians, we celebrate and proclaim hope each day because Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem! He grew up among us, redeemed the world and showed us what God is like. God is essentially a God of Hope, a God who makes all things new. Therefore, the excitement and expectation that children of all ages feel at Christmas is altogether appropriate. When we imagine for a moment a world without Christ, it causes us to decorate our homes, give presents, and sing carols in such a way that celebrates the hope of Christmas with passion and joy! Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again – this is the kind of hope that we cannot live without!

As you consider our hope-full and hope filled world, I invite you to use the Family Advent Calendar to discover some ways that you and your church may partner with Moore Community House and Methodist Children’s Homes in offering hope to children and families throughout our state. This week you also find ways to share and explore, in Bible study and song, what hope means for us today.

Need a copy of the Family Advent Calendar? Go Here...

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