Monday, November 10, 2008

Children and Politics

My two elementary children have been swept up in the hype of this presidential election. Over supper, on more than one occasion, both have engaged their father and I in conversations about the politics of our next president, his family, and how the choices of our government might affect them.

Is it even appropriate that my two young boys are already becoming aware of the political society in which we live? Is it helpful that they know what some of the issues are at the forefront of everyday conversations? What is the right language that I, as their parent should use, to speak with them about such a complex issue?

Finally, it came to me. I need to speak to them about the issues that they understand. I need to speak into the situations that they find themselves in daily as they engage with other children and families at school, at church and in our extra-curricular activities. Some of the issues that we now discuss in our car rides, around our dinner table, and in conversations on the back deck include:

Education – We discuss the importance of education and its gift to shape and form our lives into the person God has created us to be. A staggering 35% of students who enter school in Mississippi do not graduate. We share with our children the expectation that we have to see them graduate from high school and continue their education in college.

Poverty – 30% of Mississippi’s children live in poverty. We find ways to let our children see poverty first hand so that they have a point of reference for our discussions. We talk about the ways that we have been blessed through God’s goodness and how through our own hard work and commitment we are able to provide for our family. We discuss some of the different situations that people encounter as they live in poverty. Constantly, we encourage our children to live out the command, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Money - Who isn’t talking about money right now? We have just recently started paying our 8 year old a weekly allowance for certain household chores that he completes. There are some responsibilities that are “part of being a family” and he doesn’t earn money for these things. Every week he must divide his allowance into three categories: tithe, savings, and spending. As we go to various stores, he now uses his own money for toys, candy, etc. This provides many opportunities for us to talk about delaying gratification, the importance of tithing, and the importance of saving for various unplanned event that may arise in life. The bi-product in this is that we are able to help our children understand that money is not in endless supply!

The point of all of this: The issues being discussed in the coffee shops, at lunch, and around the watercooler at the office affect us all, regardless of age. We need to understand exactly what is being said and unsaid. Most importantly, we need to ask the question “How does this effect the children?”

If we really want to be about making disciples for the transformation of the world, then we have to be active in transforming the world from what it is to what it can become for our children and all the generations to come.

Will you be a part of these conversations with the children in your life?

I hope you will!

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