Monday, August 25, 2008

The State of the Art

As we continue this adventure in communications called Connectivity... We want to thank the over 900 that opened and read it. We sent out to 3170. We also want you to know that over 800 of our e-mail addresses produced returns. Our goal is to reduce that number significantly, which will take time. Our desire is to have a broad cast of this information.

If you feel this is valuable would you consider sharing it with some of your friends? These “connections “ give us the opportunity to hear from more people. There is so much good news to tell. Help us as we seek to share with others. Also, if you have ideas about what would be helpful additions to this piece, please let us know.

One person suggested that we offer some “it worked for us” ideas and we will start that in October. So, if you have some practical ideas let us know and we’ll share them and create a library for your use on line. We are adding a piece called “GO”. It will be short stories of churches that are making disciples and changing the world…you’ll love them!

All of this is for one purpose…”to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.”

Live Loved,


Anonymous said...

If all Christians would join together with a more Chistlike attitude, there wouldn't be a need to find out how to connect. If the Holy Spirit is in the lives of all of us the desire is there to connect with other Christians, and to reach out to al. This has to start at the top of the ladder, so that all will see from example. Isn't thiswhat we were taught in church?

Anonymous said...

One idea is to form a group of individuals who have experienced all walks of life. Let them tell their heartache stories. Then the congregation can review on how to approach people in today's world.
I heard just yesterday where a pastor is sharing his story about his "burn out" in the ministry to a conference group. Sometimes we try too hard in making Christians, when all we need to do is listen and be there for all with HOPE for tomorrow. Being a good disciple in the eyes of God, will show the ones we are trying to reach, that it's great to be in church.

Anonymous said...

Open hearts, open minds, and hearing tests.

Anonymous said...

Instead of preaching, we need to see actions.