Monday, August 11, 2008

Praying... Giving...Doing

In the introduction to the Mission and Outreach Handbook, Bishop Ward said “Jesus graciously invites us to share in God’s mission. We reach out in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amazingly God uses us to welcome, heal and help … God is with us as we listen to the nudging of the Holy Spirit , as we sense the movement in our hearts, as we asses resources, as we watch for opportunities to serve, as we move out with boldness.” And so it was last month when several appeals for help went out (perhaps Jesus’ invitation and the follow-up nudging of the Spirit) asking our Mississippi church members to come to the aid of those involved in the clean up and recovery after the disastrous Midwest floods that an outpouring of financial donations and flood buckets started coming in.

From the raising of about $100 from the 5 and six year olds in the Chunky UMC who have been learning about missions and outreach to a couple of large donations from church Sunday School classes to countless other individual donations, over $10,000 has already been collected and continues to be received at the conference office. Over eight thousand has already been sent to the affected areas directly with additional remittances planned as long as the outpouring of concern and generosity continues to flow in.

In missions and outreach pray, give and do! I thank God for all the prayer warriors in the state and the generous givers (regardless of age!) and the ones investing time in doing eternally significant things in God’s Kingdom for God’s people in need.

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