Tuesday, April 22, 2008

YOUTH: On the Rise

Arise Shine: Magnify

The lens for looking at Young People’s Ministry is huge. There is lots going on. Many things are being planned & created.
Listed are some of the things going on:
  • Mississippi Youth Annual Conference (MYAC) is scheduled for June 11-13. The cost is $160 per person. It is being held at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson, MS. Two students from every church in Mississippi is invited to participate.
Great music, worship, fellowship, food and fun is expected
  • Youth Day at Geyser Falls is scheduled for Saturday, August 2 in Philadelphia, MS. The cost is around $24, which includes park admission & lunch.
  • Community College Wesley Foundation Directors have spent a full day together in two different locations to talk about their units, get to know each other better, & for evaluation. Let me tell you exciting things are happening on our Community College Campuses.
  • April 1 all Wesley Foundation Directors on the University & Community College Campus’ received the Emma Rogers Grant Application provided by the Higher Education Committee of Mississippi. The HEMC is giving six $3000 & nine $1500 matching grants for programming at our Wesley Foundations. It’s going to be exciting to see what great ideas come from our Directors as to how they use the funds to do ministry on their campuses.
  • The Connectional Ministry Office is in process of rolling out a new program called “Change 4 Change.” Basically inviting United Methodist around the country to collect change to send to the Mississippi Gulf Coast for Youth & Children’s Ministry. Already we have received $225 from First United Methodist Church in Phoenix, NY to go to three locations on the coast. Who knows the total impact possible as United Methodist around the United States send us their change for ministry purposes?
  • As I write to you there is a Web Site being built to cover all the activities across our Conference regarding the ages of 13 to 30. It will be linked to our Conference Web Site and will be a one stop site for everything surrounding Young People’s Ministry in Mississippi.
This is just a short list of all that is going on in Mississippi under the umbrella of Young People’s Ministry. Please be in prayer for our young people & our young adults, along with our Church as we attempt to minister to them the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How are we doing on educational material for youth for Sunday Schools?