Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Magnifying Season

Arise! Shine! Magnify! These words have been chosen to thematically lead us through our annual conference as we reflect upon and look forward to our shared ministry in disciple making for the kingdom of God. According to dictionary.com magnify is a verb which can be defined as “making greater in actual size; enlarging”.

According to the definition given above, we participate in the work of magnifying the kingdom of God when we are actively working in ways to make greater the number of disciples of Jesus Christ. We enlarge the kingdom of God when we live into and out of the words and example of Christ.

The magnification of God’s kingdom in Mississippi is overwhelming! Let us celebrate the gifts of God’s grace as they come to us!

In the ministry of Safe Sanctuaries people are embodying what it means when Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.”
  • Over 400 churches have had at least one person in their congregation attend a Safe Sanctuaries workshop
  • Approximately 250 churches have adopted a Safe Sanctuaries policy for their particular ministries with children and youth
  • At least three churches without children in their congregation are utilizing the ministry of Safe Sanctuaries as a way of inviting children and their family into their congregations
  • Boards of Trustees and church councils are intentionally discussing ways to reduce known liabilities and accusations of child abuse
  • Pastor/ Staff Parish Relations Committees are utilizing the background screening services that are offered as a tool in their thorough hiring processes
  • People with particular gifts relating to child abuse, its victims and the perpetrators are finding their voice and place in our annual conference
Jesus also said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Family Ministries in our conference is exemplifying and magnifying Christ’s love.
  • We have established a partnership with Marriage Mississippi, an initiative of Mississippi State Extension Services, to promote healthy marriages in Mississippi
  • 5 churches within our conference participated in a Sunday morning celebration service focusing on Black Marriages with over 100 couples participating.
  • There is a renewed focus in many local congregations to promote, encourage and cultivate a family centered model of spiritual formation
  • Numerous churches throughout our conference used the printed and on-line versions of the family friendly 2007 Advent calendar highlighting the ministries of the conference-related community centers and Methodist Children’s Home
  • The summer camping ministries of our conference are now including at least one week of family camp into their summer programming schedules.
  • Annual Conference 2008 is magnifying the gift of family with the inclusion of children into our nightly worship services
Arise! Shine! for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord
has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1) Let us magnify the glory of the Lord!

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