Monday, October 6, 2008

Here to Serve!!!

The 2004 Book of Discipline, paragraph 607, lists six things that Connectional Ministries is responsible for:
  • envisioning the ministries necessary to live out the mission of the church in and through the annual conference;
  • creating and nurturing relationships and connections among the local, district, annual conference, and general church ministries;
  • providing encouragement, coordination ,and support for the ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness in districts and congregations for the transformation of the world;
  • ensure the alignment of the total resources or the annual conference to its mission;
  • developing and strengthening ethnic ministries, including ethnic local churches and concerns;
  • providing for advocacy and monitoring functions to ensure that the church is consistent with its stated values.
This issue of Connectivity is to show you how we are living and serving our way into this charge in the Discipline.

We are servants of the Lord first and of the AC secondly. Dr. Lovett Weems reminded me that we are responsible to look out for the big picture of the entire state and the ministry of the annual conference. What a challenging proposition. Your connectional ministry staff is aligned with this task. Here is what we can do for you and what we do for the AC.

As director, my job is to be “keeper of the vision” which is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”. I am responsible for facilitating the leadership team. I am responsible for continually seeking to make sure we are bringing leadership to the core values of the AC. I am also available to do leadership and training events in the areas of visioning, local church leadership development, small membership church leadership, and congregational care ministry. I am also available to help interpret the ministries of the Ac to local churches and districts.

Please take this as our invitation to you to invite us to serve you. We love our God and we love this church. Let us share that love with you. I cannot wait to see how God will use us all to transform this world!

Live Loved,



Anonymous said...

Serving ALL in the ministry should be an ultimate goal. Until we connect with those who are being left out, there is no HOPE for a better future.

Working outside the church gives one, another perspective of how people really feel. It's amazing how many good folks are depressed, because their church has forgotten them in times of sickness and destress. A single mom with children and a professional women dying of cancer, made resent comments of their being forgotten by those who they worship with. Until we CONNECT with the abandon members in times of crisis, the church fails. It's time to connect emotionally and really feel the needs of others. Listen....can you hear the pains? As Christians what are we going to do NOW to serve? I'm going to ear-mail as many as I can, because it is the right thing to do as a child of God. Thanks be to God that HE hears my prayers. Hello?

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how many Christians talk with words about their beliefs and transforming the world, then do nothing. But, those like you Steve, have a vision of HOPE for all. "Keep on keeping on" for God and your friends, and your calling to serve will SHINE for all to follow. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It would be amazing if all took their responsibilities as serious as you do. Thanks to my friend Lovett for his true witness and reminding us of what is important.

Anonymous said...

If you build it, they will come.