Monday, October 6, 2008

Online 2009

“Online 2009” is the newest ministry project that will be launch by SBC21. This ministry did not originate in the conference office. It was introduce to the SBC21 Team by two individual who felt a calling from God. Ms. Sandra Randall and Mr. Gilbert Victorare offering their services to help Strengthen The Black Church for the 21 Century.

The plan is as follows:

SBC-21 Technology Goals

* Provided E-mail addresses for all pastors
* Provided assistance in establishing website
* Provided computer networking assistance
* Provided assistance in management software selection, installation and training



* provide information for the site
* pay to reserve domain name (less than $10 per year)
* agree to provide 2-3 youth to be trained to update the website


* Churches agree to provide 2-3 youth to be trained to assist in the installation and upkeep of the network
* Churches purchase all equipment needed for their network

Church Administration Software

* Churches provide 2-3 people to be trained to use the software
* Churches provide computer equipment for software to be installed


* Decrease Technology Gap between Ethnic Minority and Ethnic Majority Churches
* Provide means for church to reach out to local and world community
* Centralized place for information about the church
* Facilitate communication among church members, District and Conference
* Youth trained with marketable skills
* Investment in the life and ministry of the church
* Establishes Worldwide presence for the church

Here to Serve!!!

The 2004 Book of Discipline, paragraph 607, lists six things that Connectional Ministries is responsible for:
  • envisioning the ministries necessary to live out the mission of the church in and through the annual conference;
  • creating and nurturing relationships and connections among the local, district, annual conference, and general church ministries;
  • providing encouragement, coordination ,and support for the ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness in districts and congregations for the transformation of the world;
  • ensure the alignment of the total resources or the annual conference to its mission;
  • developing and strengthening ethnic ministries, including ethnic local churches and concerns;
  • providing for advocacy and monitoring functions to ensure that the church is consistent with its stated values.
This issue of Connectivity is to show you how we are living and serving our way into this charge in the Discipline.

We are servants of the Lord first and of the AC secondly. Dr. Lovett Weems reminded me that we are responsible to look out for the big picture of the entire state and the ministry of the annual conference. What a challenging proposition. Your connectional ministry staff is aligned with this task. Here is what we can do for you and what we do for the AC.

As director, my job is to be “keeper of the vision” which is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”. I am responsible for facilitating the leadership team. I am responsible for continually seeking to make sure we are bringing leadership to the core values of the AC. I am also available to do leadership and training events in the areas of visioning, local church leadership development, small membership church leadership, and congregational care ministry. I am also available to help interpret the ministries of the Ac to local churches and districts.

Please take this as our invitation to you to invite us to serve you. We love our God and we love this church. Let us share that love with you. I cannot wait to see how God will use us all to transform this world!

Live Loved,


Resourcing the Local Church

Make Disciples for the Transformation of the World – this is our mission.

Provide encouragement, coordination and support for the ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness in districts and congregations for the transformation of the world; create and nurture relationships and connections among the local, district, annual conference and general church ministries – this is the role of Connectional Ministries.

How can we do all of this?

By connecting one with another and sharing the gifts that God has
given us. Together, our gifts, our lives and our service can develop relationships and connections that make disciples and change the world!

Below you will find workshops that are offered to help the local church in its ministries of making disciples and changing the world. All of these workshops are offered to the local church at no cost. To schedule a workshop, please contact Rev. Michelle Foster at 601-354-0515 ext. 28 or

Safe Sanctuaries

Safe Sanctuaries 101 – This workshop is designed to introduce people to the concept and Biblical understanding of Safe Sanctuaries. During our time together, the local church will be given practical tools to aid them in their work to make their church as safe as possible for children and youth and those that serve as their leaders.
This workshop is most helpful for the Board of Trustees, the Staff Parish Relations Committee, Children and Youth Ministry groups, and Church Administrators (both clergy and lay).

Ethics and the Internet – This hands-on workshop explores the ways the internet and other forms of media are used for ministry in ways that are both helpful and exploitative of our children, youth and young adult populations.

This workshop is most helpful for leaders of youth ministry, the Staff Parish Relations Committee, parents and children 12 years and older.

Nurturing the Nursery – Welcoming young children into the church is a great joy! Once we welcome them, we need to be prepared to nurture and care for them. This workshop will help the local church to do just that! Using some tried and true experiences coupled with some basic safety procedures, this workshop provide you the tools to transform your nursery into a space that beckons children and parents alike to come and be a part!

Family Ministries

Family Ministries 101 – Designed to introduce the local church to Family Ministries, this workshop is explore questions such as: Why do we need family ministries in the local church when we have age graded ministries? What are some “best practices” in family ministry? How do we begin a conversation about family ministries in our local church? Participation in this workshop will offer the local church new ideas, renewed enthusiasm, and practical tools for ministry.

Parenting in the Pew – Designed for parents and worship leaders, this workshop will explore the ways we can best engage, encourage and assist children in their experiences of church and worship.

Help! We Need Teachers –This workshop will provide you with appropriate tools to “beef up” your small group ministry, nurture existing teachers and grow new ones, consider the various ways in which we can and do teach, and explore the ways that the role of teaching has expanded and changed in the last several years. This workshop is suitable for pastors and teachers, regardless of the age that they lead.

I Am Willing to Teach…But I Don’t Know What to Teach!? – Often in our midst there are those who are willing to teach but want to be given some guidance as to the material to teach. This workshop is offered in conjunction with the Mississippi Conference Media Center for church educational leaders, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and small group leaders to share with churches the various resources available to them, some at no cost, to be used in their local church.

The 5 Love Languages of Children – Based on the book by Drs. Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell, this workshop will offer parents insight and understanding into the ways their child best expresses and receives love. Together, parents will discover how to express unconditional feelings of respect, affection, and commitment that will encourage and strengthen their family for the rest of their lives.

This workshop has also been adapted into a session offered to leaders who work with children and youth in order to improve the ways that we communicate, discipline and engage with one another.

Marriage Ministry: Changing Our Community, Changing Our World – Did you know that 51% of marriages in Mississippi end in divorce? That is just over 1 out of every 2 marriages! The church can and should respond to this problem by finding ways to nurture existing marriages, cultivate healthy and sustainable relationships with those that are engaged, and educate and shape the understanding of marriage for those dating or exploring the possibilities of dating. Local church leaders that participate in this workshop will be given a wealth of knowledge, practical tools for ministry application, and a beginning plan for further growth.

Congregations for Children – This workshop introduces the local church to the ministry of Congregations for Children, our partnership with the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches in our state. It provides an understanding into our role as advocate on behalf of children; our community and legislative responsibilities; and, ways in which we can be a positive force of change for the children in our world.

Growing Our Mission Outreach Ministry

Have you or your church been thinking about starting a new or revamping an existing mission outreach ministry lately but do not know where or how to get started?

Try jotting down the answer to the following “Things to Ponder” list of questions and you will be on your way to putting together a

preliminary plan.

Additionally, check out the Mission Outreach Handbook (by clicking on the link below) and go to Appendix 1A on pages 17-23 for some handy planning sheets; consult also pages 5-7 for an outline to a planning retreat. This is the link to the PDF file containing the entire 40 page handbook …

Mission Outreach Handbook

Things to Ponder (as a mission outreach group)

  • Who are we?
  • What are we about?
  • Why do we do missions?
  • How long we been around?
  • What have we done in the last three (3) years?
  • What have we learned in those same three (3) years?
  • What does Jesus want us to do in the next three (3) years?
  • Has He given us a dream/ a project to start or grow the outreach ministry?
  • What have we done to respond to that calling? What will we do now?
  • How many materially or spiritually needy people have we helped last year?
  • What is the need in our community?
  • How many more folk can we help?
  • What kind of resources does it take to carry on our Mission Outreach ministry today?

In terms of funds, Staff, Volunteers, Time, Talents, Effort, Prayer Support?

  • How have we financed our ministry in the past? How has God responded to our needs?
  • How much more resources will be needed? How much more time, effort, new talents and prayer support will be required next year? In the next three (3) years?
  • Do we know our church people and their gifts and graces? The needs of the population-and individuals- we can serve? Do they match?
  • How will we recruit the team of volunteers, find the talents and finance the vision next year? In the next three (3) years?
  • What does our church, our volunteer team, prayer supporters and the folk we serve want (expect) from us?
  • Most importantly, what does God want us to do?

Who … What … Is needed to achieve the goals of our mission outreach ministry?

When and … How will these worthy goals be achieved?

Got Plan?

If you would like for me to come to your cluster meeting or to a district training and do a planning retreat for your group or if you want a hard copy of the Mission Outreach Handbook e-mail me your mailing address to or just call me 1-866-647-7486 Ext. 20